I love to travel, seeing new places and experiencing new things is a great part of life. However, it is important to me that I maintain my health and wellbeing whilst on holiday.
I will be traveling to New York in April and I am beyond excited! The last time I went to America I went to Florida when I was 16 and had the best time, I can honestly say Disney World changed my life.
So here are some of my tips to maintain health and wellbeing while away.
1. Meditation and yoga
(Image Source: Google)
Not only is physical health and wellbeing important but also mental. I find that meditation and yoga really helps to focus my mind. Sometimes traveling to a new place can be a bit stressful, especially if not everything goes to plan. If I am on a holiday, where I am saying in a villa or hotel, (like my previous trip to Florida) I like to meditate by a pool or the sea as I find the sound of the water to be very calming. Tuscany is a place on my current travel wish list which has some great villas with beautiful pools, perfect for meditation, which you can check out here. Tuscany has also become a very popular place for yoga retreats, that you can check out here, which in my mind sounds extremely relaxing.
2. Sunscreen (or sun cream)
I have very pale skin and lots of moles and freckles so it is vital that I take care of it when I am in a hot country. Though my next trip will be in America in April when it is a bit colder, on all of my previous trips where the weather has been much warmer I ALWAYS make sure my skin is protected. Sun burn is a nasty thing, it hurts and it doesn't look nice when your skin starts to peel. Not only that but going into the sun without sunscreen and getting sun burn increases your risk of developing unwanted skin conditions or diseases, such as cancer. I always wear factor 30 in a British summer (which let's be honest isn't always sunny) and when i go abroad to a hot country i always use factor 50 for that added protection.
3. Fruit for breakfast
Eating fruit in the morning is a great way to start the day. Not only does it make you feel good and ready to start your day, it also contains those all important vitamins and minerals that your body needs. I like to start each day with a banana as they are a great source of energy and contain a good amount of potassium.
4. Insurance
This may seem like a boring one but health insurance is so important when you are abroad. If you are to be unfortunate enough to injure yourself to the point you need hospital treatment the costs will be extreme without insurance. It is best to be safe than sorry.
5. Drinking
Of course everyone likes a drink when they are abroad, it is your chance to escape work and let your hair down. But it is important to stay safe, especially when you are somewhere you have never been before. NEVER leave your drink unattended, all it takes is a second for someone who isn't a particularly nice person to spike your drink. Also even if a handsome stranger does offer you a free drink it would probably be a lot safer if you don't accept one unless you see it being poured. Stay safe people!
So there you have it my top 5 tips for maintaining your health and wellbeing while abroad.
Chlo xx
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