2016 has been a massive roller coaster for me. Lot of things have happened good and bad and my life has changed a lot. But I have a good feeling about 2017 and hopefully it will be a much more positive year, so here are my resolutions.
(Image source: Google)
1. Stress less.
I am a MASSIVE ball of stress right now. I am doing a very stressful university course until July 2017 and I barely have any time to myself because the course is so full on. I basically just want to be able to find some chill time in the New Year and to be able to have some me time. Hopefully I will be able to do this!
2. Make more time for family.
Again I feel that 2016 has been a massively busy year for me so I want to make sure that in 2017 I spend more time with my family. If 2016 has taught me anything it's that life is short and family is the most important thing.
3. Learn a language.
I am always so jealous of friends that can speak another language and I have always wanted to learn one. I want to learn either French or Spanish but i am yet to decide which one. I did French at school but I feel that Spanish may be more useful to me.
4. Get fit.
While I don't particularly want to lose any weight I am seriously unfit. I get out of breath just walking up the stairs! I am going to New York in April and one of the things I will be doing is going to the top of the Statue of Liberty, which is a LOT of steps. I think not wanting to collapse in the Statue of Liberty is a very good reason to get fit!
Chlo xx
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