Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Years Resolutions

Every year i make resolutions. Though some people do find them to be a cliche thing to do, i find them to be quite rewarding, especially when i stick to them! To be honest the resolutions i made last year didn't really work out. One i made was to give up energy drinks (i do drink them a lot less than i used to but still have the odd one). However, this year i am determined to try and stick to them!

Resolution #1
Stop leaving all of my uni work till the very last minute! I am so guilty of this, every assignment i do i say to myself i will get it done a week before the deadline and i never do!

Resolution #2 
Make more time for my family! Due to me being a university student and also living in the city in which i study, keeping in touch can at times be difficult and i can go months at a time without seeing my loved ones.

Resolution #3
Get up earlier! I love my bed and so if i haven't got anything i need to urgently get up for i will sleep until mid day. However, this always makes me feel like I've wasted a day where i could have been doing something much more productive.

Resolution #4
Be more sensible with my money! As my previous post showed, I am definitely a spender and not a saver but this needs to change if i am to afford my rent for my house for the rest of the year.

So those are my 4 resolutions for the new year. Hopefully i will stick to them this time!

Chlo xx

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Sunday, 28 December 2014

Christmas sales!!

The Christmas sales is something i look forward to every year but also something i dread! Though you can find yourself a good bargain, going to the sales can be extremely chaotic. However, the other day i decided to attempt them and managed to come back with some lovely new clothes. Ironically, only one of the items i purchased was a sale item. Nevertheless i am still very happy with what i managed to get!

The first item i purchased (and the only sale item) was a velvet bralet from Topshop for £12.00.

This is definitely something that i would wear on a night out and i reckon it will look great with a high-waisted skirt or shorts.

Next on my list was a blanket check tube skirt from Topshop for £24.00. I'm not normally one to go for a skirt in this sort of style but i liked this one so much i couldn't help myself! Also, it goes perfectly with my new velvet bralet which is also a bonus.

Finally i purchased an oversized checked shirt from Topshop for £32.00. I've wanted one of these for ages so when my eye caught this one i had to go for it.

So thats all i managed to get on my little journey to the sales. All items are from Topshop but its my favourite place to go and i rarely get chance to being on a student budget!

Chlo xx

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Saturday, 27 December 2014

Students addiction to social networking!


For my first blog post i wanted to focus on student life, such as the constant battle that we have between getting our coursework or revision done vs. procrastination through the addiction that many students have to social networking.

I myself struggle with this on a daily basis, especially when the dreaded 'writers block' happens mid way through writing an assignment!! The main ones that i struggle with are Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and snapchat. The constant pull of social networking and the need to procrastinate when you are extremely bored, and feel like you are getting nowhere, is almost unbearable sometimes. It is all too easy to give into the temptation to procrastinate!!! 

Despite this, the majority of students, myself included, still manage to get their assignments in on time before the deadline, even if it is by the skin of their teeth! The first thing i do in the morning is to check all of my social media for any updates. Despite it being a great distraction it does help many to keep in touch with society by keeping up to date with daily events. Whether that be though posts about latest news stories or just your friends latest update on their snapchat story. It may just be the simple fact that students can't live without social networking, even if it distracts them from getting university or college work done.

Hopefully i am not alone in this daily struggle!!! Also i really do hope that the hook of social media doesn't prevent me from actually finishing my degree!

Chlo xx

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